The Beauty of the Small Things
by Stephen Ingram Stephen is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran and the Sr. Director of Resource Development for CYMT. The Blessing of Small I work in a big church. I mean a really big church. My church has more ...
by Stephen Ingram Stephen is a 25+ year youth ministry veteran and the Sr. Director of Resource Development for CYMT. The Blessing of Small I work in a big church. I mean a really big church. My church has more ...
by Andrew Mochrie Andrew is the leader of the Theology Together Program at CYMT as well as a veteran youth worker. Don't Forget, You Matter Too It's here! Summer. You're confident it'll be another blockbuster, another couple months filled with ...
by Bryant Fisher Bryant is the Director of Student Ministry at Brentwood United Methodist Church in Brentwood, TN. You’re doing it! All the hours you spend wondering what your faithful few need from you. The time you spend making sure ...
by Rev. Samantha Hassell Samantha is the Associate Pastor of Youth & Christian Education at Dyersburg Cumberland Presbyterian Church and has served the Cumberland Presbyterian Church as a Youth Pastor and Christian Educator since 2001. Dear Small Church Youth Worker, ...
by the Center for Youth Ministry Training What makes your community unique or special? What are the real needs (not the perceived needs) of not only the youth and families in your congregation but the community surrounding your church? Are ...
by Paige Bach In my first year serving at a small church, there were fifteen youth regularly attending programming. In my second year, the number dropped to ten. By my third and final year, I had a core group of ...