Discipling One-on-One

by Jason Sansbury After having been involved in youth ministry for over 20 years, I have a theory that says if you don’t occasionally get accused of having favorites in your youth ministry, then you probably aren’t discipling and mentoring ...

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You Are Enough

by Mary Beth Bernheisel I never intended to go into youth ministry. I mean, I did at one time. During my third year of seminary I served a church in a dual capacity, both as the pastoral intern and as ...

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Hurry Up and Move Slowly!

As youth ministers, we often serve as change agents. We begin ministry young, idealistic, eager, and often arrogant. We work in churches that have become disconnected with the culture in which they live and we know that they need to ...

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Going Nowhere? Get a MAP

Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) I've used this scripture every time I've met with a church to do vision planning. However, I have met with a lot of churches without a vision and none of ...

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Keeping and Motivating Your Volunteers

Volunteers, a precious resource we can't afford to lose. —Denise Penn Do your volunteers know how much you appreciate them? They should. Lack of volunteer appreciation is a major reason for high turnover rates among volunteers, and appreciation can be directly tied ...

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I can't or I don't want to?

"My dad always said, '99% of I can't is I don't want to!'" said Bishop Jonathan Holston during his jurisdictional conference interviews. As a side note, he quoted his dad three times in a 20 minute interview; clearly his dad ...

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Put on Your Big Boy Pants

Some days my job is a joy at the Center for Youth Ministry Training.  Staff and graduate residents tell me stories of all the wonderful things that God is doing in and through our ministry.  I love those days. Other ...

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