Youth Director (Part-time) – Irondale, AL


Job Type: Part-Time

Denomination: United Methodist

Church Description:

Irondale United Methodist Church is an inclusive, intergenerational congregation, located in the Greater Birmingham area. We average around 90 people in our worship services. When you worship with us at Irondale United Methodist Church, you will experience a friendly and relaxed form of traditional Christian worship in a beautiful sanctuary designed for choral music. You will hear inspirational music from our Chancel Choir as well as congregational hymns. In addition to the weekly pastoral message, Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

We have a lengthy history of supporting our youth and are open to new, creative measures to connect with them. Our youth meet regularly on Sunday mornings as well as a once-a-month activity. Our associate pastor who was in charge of our youth ministry was appointed elsewhere, thus the reason for this job opening. Please reach out to Dr. Matt Andrews for more information.

Job Description:


Irondale United Methodist Church seeks to grow together with Christ. Our welcoming, intergenerational congregation is committed to providing ministry in and around the Irondale community. We believe that a church that is connected with its community is vibrant and growing.


· Committed to following Christ daily and modeling a relationship with Him.

· Dynamic with a personality and energy level that will attract and retain an active youth group through broad appeal

· Comprehensive knowledge of the United Methodist Youth programs

· Understanding of and commitment to IUMC’s Safe Sanctuary Child Protection Policy

· Experienced with leadership of youth programming, Bible teaching, and counseling

· Ability to plan and implement church programs


· Plans, develops and implements weekly youth activities (including UMYF and other mid-week ministries and special functions), monthly service and/or fellowship activities

· Is present for Sunday worship services

· Puts into action outreach opportunities to connect with the youth of the community

· Plans and implements at least one Spiritual formation/fellowship retreat annually

· Plans and implements at least one mission trip/major mission project annually

· Plans and implements fund raisers as required to support the youth program

· Prepares the budget for the youth program, and submits it to the Finance Committee

· Leads youth in providing special worship services for the congregation (i.e., Youth Sunday, Christmas program, Easter Sunrise, etc.)

· Recruits and train youth volunteers counselors as needed

· Submits articles for the church newsletter

· Coordinates publication of a youth newsletter and calendar.

· Coordinates communication with youth via newsletter, e-mail, social media, texting or other mail for planning and calendar events

· Is involved in the support of the local middle and high schools and participates in programs at those locations

· Coordinates planning meetings with parents, youth volunteers, and the youth coordinator

· Collects and retains necessary paperwork for each child (medical, emergency, permission, etc.)

· Complies with all Safe Sanctuary policies and procedures.


· Relates and reports to and works cooperatively with the Pastor and the Staff-Parish Relations Committee on a regular basis in planning, implementation and evaluation of programs

· Meets with Pastor and/or staff to coordinate youth programs with events in the church calendar

· Attends and reports to the Church Council

· Interfaces with the North Alabama Conference Council on Youth Ministry and supports its special programs, activities and events.

· Builds shared youth ministry partnerships with nearby United Methodist congregations

Work Schedule and Benefits:

· The number of hours required to adequately fulfill the job expectations is dictated by the demands of the youth program. Flexibility in availability and scheduling of hours worked is required due to planning time necessary to provide successful youth programs.

· Responsible for obtaining and scheduling position replacement during any vacation/absence.

· This position carries no insurance benefits.

· Paid education courses as requested and approved by the Senior Pastor.

· This position is renewable annually in May/June.

· Possible Housing Availability

· $20,000 salary

Probationary Period for New Employees:

Performance of new employees will be reviewed after three (3) months of employment at which time employment may be terminated by either party with no penalty.

Salary Range:


Contact Info