This spring, many of our residents participated in a self-care challenge as a way to participate in the Lenten season. Historically, Lent marks the beginning of a new season. A season in which old becomes new and death turns into life. Lent culminates with the greatest holiday within Christianity, Easter. We NEEDED Easter this year. After a year of living in a pandemic, we needed the reminder that ‘this too shall pass”. We needed the reminder that God has overcome the grave and what seemed hopeless could actually be made hopeful. Thank God for Easter. Thank God for the hope that comes through the resurrection.
The Self Care Challenge was birthed out of the hope that we can take part in the renewing of our spirit through Christ’s work in us and thus experience the newness of the resurrection with a fresh spirit. Residents were invited to focus on three categories: spiritual, wellness, and connection. The stories we heard were encouraging and thus we hope you are able to catch a glimpse of how ‘care’ will also become a vital part of your life, should you choose to join the residency.

Meet Conor Peters

Conor Peters is a third year resident and Youth Director at Lampasas UMC, in Lampasas, TX. Conor participated in the self care challenge by engaging in all 3 components: spiritual, wellness, and connection. A huge shout out to Conor for the most consistent participation in the challenge.
Conor said this about the challenge:
“The CYMT Self-Care Challenge encouraged me in my discipline of taking daily time with God. I took advantage of several different disciplines depending on what I felt was best feeding my soul that week. For a period of time I would do a devotional on the Bible App with several friends, which really helped hold me accountable at the beginning to building a morning routine that included time with God each day. I also would take time journaling, prayer walking, or being out in nature. Exercise and eating healthy was already a large part of my life, so it was a bonus to get to include those!
I was surprised with what God showed me, though. I’m not sure what I was expecting in change when it came to my relationship with God during the Lenten season, but it was certainly different. I found myself towards the end of Lent being less flustered or anxious and being able to face my day with more confidence and strength. This change was more of a subtle change in the undercurrent of life than a big “in-my-face” type change. I’m thankful for the time I took to create this new discipline of exploring time with God each day opposed to my previous habit of 2-4 times a week.”