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“Passion: Something Worth Living For” a 3-Week Holy Disruptions Youth Ministry Curriculum


Each series comes with a full leader’s guide, student print-outs, downloadable keynote slide, and social media graphic. Week-by-week descriptions below.


This series is designed to help students intentionally examine their lives through the lens of their faith. They will begin to understand that God is calling them to something bigger, something deeper, and something beyond their comprehension. They’ll be encouraged to reclaim and rejoice in the things that make them unique. Ultimately, they will focus on the discovery of their purpose, passion, and what they are truly living for.


Week 1- Created For?

This lesson will help students explore what they were created for. Leaders and students will examine how their passions, responsibilities, and strengths all fit together. What needs to change in order to foster our passions? How do our passions further God’s ministry in the world? This lesson will have students encourage one another, remembering that they were created by a loving God (who does not make mistakes) and were created to discover their purpose. .

Scripture- Genesis 1:26-31



Week 2- Called To?

This week, your group will discuss callings. Students will explore what they feel called to do, how they will follow Jesus in the midst of their daily lives, and how they will live a life full of passion. The goal for this week is to challenge students to name what they feel called to, not what they feel others push them to do. The hope is that students will learn, with the Holy Spirit as their guide, what they want to do with their beautiful lives and how they can serve God, no matter what their calling may be.

Scripture- 1 Samuel 3



Week 3- Living For?

This lesson reminds students of the unconditional love of God that was with them before they were born, and helps them reclaim a childlike belief in God. Using the lens of a child, your group will explore how they can live out their faith unfettered, without feeling ashamed or self-conscious. Leaders will help remind them that God calls them to live authentically without boundaries.

Scripture- Matthew 18:1-7


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