Children’s Ministry Coordinator/Youth Director (Full-Time) – Sheldon, IA
Faith Community Church - Sheldon, IA
Job Type: Full-Time
Denomination: Non-denominational / no denominational affiliation
Church Description:
In order to make a difference in this world, we need to be showing the light of Jesus Christ to everyone that we meet. Our mission here in Sheldon is to be that light to the community and beyond. The real driving force behind everything that we do is relationships: relationship with God and relationship with each other. We believe that God has created us to be an encouragement and support to those around us, whether a church attendee or not. We are created to love God, and the evidence of that love is service to others.
Faith Community church serves a community of 5000 people and the surrounding area. We serve a diverse population and try to reach as many people as possible.
Working at a non-denominational church allows us the freedom to reach out to many different people. As a staff, we are always looking for ways to think outside the box in our approach to bringing people to God.
These two positions are part time positions. You may apply for one or both. Please indicate this on your application. Combined, these two positions will become a full-time position. You will be working with children from birth to high school.
Job Description:
Job Description
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Youth Director
Faith Community Church
Sheldon, IA
- High school diploma/GED required. Post-secondary education preferred.
- A heart for leading children to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- The ability to work with volunteers.
- The willingness to approach people and seek their involvement in children’s ministry.
- An understanding of age-appropriate educational materials and activities for Children
- Skills in organizing, planning, implementing various aspects of children’s ministry.
- The ability to work with multiple project and skills for managing time and resources well.
- You must complete and pass a criminal background check prior to being hired.
REPORTS TO: Senior Pastor
EVALUATED BY: Annually by Senior Pastor and HR representative.
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
JOB GOAL: Implementing and supervising ministry with children, enabling them to grow in faith and become disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Follow the youth safety plan of the Faith Community Church of Sheldon
- Sunday school – work with Education Committee in recruiting teachers, other leaders, ordering curriculum, and help in training and supervising pre-school through 8th grade. Sunday school is in session September through May.
- Work on Finding curriculum for the Christmas program and implementing the program.
- Organize and conduct two Kid’s Clubs: After school program for children for months.
- Vacation Bible school – Recruit and supervise our volunteers who develop and lead our VBS program.
- Nursery – recruit a paid position and volunteers to work in the nursery during both church services, during Sunday school, and during special events.
- Be present during Sunday School hour to give supervision, encouragement and support for the Sunday School program.
- Attend meetings for the Education Committee (monthly).
- Attend weekly staff meetings, and the Ad Council (monthly)
- Attend our Church on Sunday morning.
- Other job duties as assigned and defined by the Senior Pastor.
- Provide Timely communication to children, parents, and teachers.
WORK SCHEDULE: Part time position. Hours depend on the activity that is currently being implemented.
Approved by: Date:
Revised by: Date:
Reviewed by: Date:
Youth Director
Job Goal: To help the congregation strengthen if youth program by building young people as whole persons in Jesus Christ.
Performance Responsibilities:
- Management and Public Relations
- Provide monthly reports to the Youth Commission, Pastor, and leadership team.
- Meet monthly with the Youth Commission.
- Meet weekly with the supervising Pastor.
- Give talks/presentations to various groups in the congregation.
- Be aware of Conference and District activities.
- Implement the Child and Youth Safety Plan of SUMC.
- Ministry Team
- Develop a team of adults and youth who will work together to plan for and support the youth program at the Sheldon UMC.
- Organize a schedule of adults and parents to help supply supports at youth gatherings and events.
- Fellowship
- A program of youth gatherings is planned at least 6 months ahead at any given time.
- A minimum of 1 gathering is provided monthly.
- Youth gatherings are always open to all youth and:
- Include 2 adults leaders at a minimum at all times
- Make youth feel welcome
- Communicate a positive feeling about the church.
- Take youth and adults to conference(s), retreat(s) and concert(s) each year.
- Provide opportunities for youth to grow as servants and be a service to their peers, church and community.
- Other job duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.
Approved By: _____________________________________ Date:_______________
Revised By: ________________________________________ Date: _______________
Reviewed By: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
Salary Range:
$18,000 - $28,000Contact Info
- Contact: Rosa Korselman
- Email:
- Phone: (712) 324-4894
- Address: 506 8th Street, Sheldon, IA 51201,