Residency Spotlight:  Professional Education Track

CYMT offers two excellent education and ministry training choices: The Placement Track and the Professional Education Track.
Interest in the Professional Education Track continues to grow among youth and children’s ministers. Those already employed in a ministry setting seeking to further their education and training, gain support and resources through a cohort of youth and children’s ministers, and receive top-notch coaching from veteran youth and children’s ministry workers. As if those benefits are not enough, Professional Education residents receive all these benefits at a fraction of the cost of a traditional seminary degree. Plus, many ministry partners are willing to pitch in to make it happen, knowing that their ministry will benefit from an enriched, theologically trained youth or children’s minister.

Hannah Bardin, 2nd Year Resident serving in Jacksonville, FL said this about the Professional Education Track:

“The Professional Education Track has been such a blessing to me in my ministry.  I’ve been able to stay in the ministry that I’ve been growing while learning new skills and tools to use in the process.  It has definitely given me a boost in my ability to be a youth director, not just a youth minister.  The cohort has been the best part though; having a group of friends that I can lean on both personally and professionally has really made a difference for me.”


If you had to choose seminary/residency again, would you still choose CYMT?  Why?

Yes, I would choose CYMT again because I can serve in a church setting and take seminary courses while having the support of my cohort and coach!” 

Brooke Freeman, 2nd Year Professional Education Track Resident