The following courses will be offered by Memphis Theological Seminary for all CYMT graduate residents enrolled in the Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree program during the fall semester of the 2013-2014 school year. Please note the dates and times of these courses; they are offered in retreat-based format on the campus of Memphis Theological Seminary.
Do you know someone who is interested in starting the CYMT program in fall 2014? Click here for more information on our graduate residency program and church placement.

CM20000: Mission of the Church

Instructor: Ben Conner (Ph.D. Princeton)
This 3 credit hour course is taken by all CYMT graduate residents and  provides an introduction to the church’s mission of witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in evangelism and social praxis. Biblical, historical, theological, and practical models are examined. It includes contemporary developments and explores implications for the shared ministries of pastor and people.

YM32352: Communicating the Gospel to Youth

Instructor: Andrew Zirschky (Ph.D. Princeton)
This 3 hour course is for second and third year graduate residents.  Throughout Christian history various approaches have been used to share or pass along the faith to young people. In this course we will explore seven contemporary approaches for communicating the Gospel to adolescents and assess them both theologically and in light of our sociocultural situation. Students will test these approaches by crafting and teaching lesson plans that draw from each of them. In the process, students will move toward formulating a personal philosophy of youth ministry to guide the formation and education of youth in their own ministries. Students will come away from this course with a deeper understanding of approaches to faith formation, and with a more intentional and developed skill set for engaging in the work of passing on (communicating) the Gospel to young people.

YM03462: Youth Ministry Practicum 1

Instructor: Dietrich Kirk (MAR Memphis Theological)
First year graduate residents will gain in-the-trenches youth ministry experience by serving in a local church as a part of their practicum experience. The program is designed for all students to work full- or part-time as a youth minister during their education allowing them to put all the pieces together—everything they learn from peers in their cohort, the professors in the classroom, and from their coach.

FM10108 / 20108 / 30108 – Formation for Ministry

Instructor: Various/MTS Staff
Spiritual formation for ministry and the integration of theological education with family life, church, and the larger community are essential for development as Christian servant leaders. Students are required to be enrolled in Formation for Ministry during all six (6) of their residency semesters in the program. This course will ground participants in covenants of accountability that lead to lifelong theological learning, holy friendships and a set of practices that will sustain pastoral excellence throughout their lives. Participants will explore major themes of Christian life and leadership, including:

PM03212 – Early Methodism: History, Doctrine, and Polity

Instructor: Andrew Thompson (Th.D. Duke)
Offered for United Methodist residents pursuing ordination.  This course is a study of the historical and doctrinal development and transition of Methodism from English beginnings to present American United Methodism.

YM02765: Contemporary Issues in Youth Ministry – Relational Youth Ministry in an Age of Networks

Instructor: Andrew Zirschky (Ph.D. Princeton)
Contemporary Issues courses investigate a current topic of discussion in the field of youth ministry through engagement in a national or regional youth ministry event with additional guided course hours and readings in the topic. The course is repeatable with unique topics investigated at each offering. In the fall of 2014 this course will be offered in conjunction with The Summit in Brentwood, Tenn. sponsored by the Youth Cartel. In conjunction with the conference theme of Exploration, we will consider how cultural shifts in interpersonal relationality are transforming the way that youth ministry is “relational.” Specifically, we’ll explore the implications of networked individualism for youth ministry and consider how we can pursue the Kingdom calling of the church to be communion (koinonia) in a world of connections. Students will discern ways in which their ministries reflect networked individualism and consider how they might more fully reflect the calling of the church to be communion. (Prerequisites: None. Meetings: On retreat, Nov. 6-8.)